Student Illness/Inclement Weather: For the protection of the student’s voice, other students, and the instructor, if the student is sick or becoming sick (sore throat, cough, runny nose, fever, or upset stomach, etc.) he or she should notify the instructor as soon as possible and the lesson will be moved to online (Zoom), if the student is well enough to sing/play and rescheduled if they are not.  If a sick student shows up for a lesson without first calling the instructor, he or she will be sent home, and the lesson will not be rescheduled.  When in doubt, please call/text and ask!! In case of the instructor getting sick, lessons will be switched to Zoom, or, if necessary, rescheduled. 

 In the case of inclement weather, a student's in-person lesson will be switched to an online lesson (Zoom). You will receive an email that morning asking if you would prefer to switch the lesson to online, or try to make it in-person. In the event of power outage or another event that would prevent the lesson from taking place online, the lesson will be rescheduled. 

Covid-19 Precautions for 2021-22: I am excited to offer in-person lessons this fall! You are welcome to take your lessons on Zoom if you prefer, or a hybrid of online/in-person. In order to keep the studio running smoothly and try to avoid quarantine, I will be strictly enforcing the sick policy this year - so please don’t come to a lesson when you are sick! I recently had a new HVAC system with a HEPA filter and a I-WAVE air purifying system added on. Additionally, I have a room HEPA filter that cycles the air in the studio up to 5 times an hour. The studio has its own vents and an air return. 

I had planned and hoped to allow all students to return this fall without masks, but the Delta variant seems to be taking off in this area. In following the CDC guidelines, for the time being I am asking voice students who are not vaccinated to continue to wear a mask, and flute students who are not vaccinated to continue with Zoom lessons. Masks are optional for vaccinated students. I will be re-visiting this issue very regularly and will notify you as soon as possible if we can take our masks off! I have several recommendations for masks I have personally tested that are (relatively) comfortable to sing in.  If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to discuss possible exceptions to this, please feel free to contact me! My goal is for everyone to feel comfortable/safe in their lessons!

Practice Expectations 

Daily at-home practice is a necessary part of learning any instrument, including your voice.  All students are expected to practice their weekly lesson assignments for the length of their weekly lesson, 5 to 6 days a week (6 preferred).  For example, if a student is taking a 30 minute lesson once a week, he or she will be expected to practice at least 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week.  Intermediate/high school students may be expected to practice longer (40-50 min), depending on ability and goals.  


Performance Opportunities

Generally two recitals will be held for all students: one in the fall semester, usually the Friday before Thanksgiving; and one in the spring semester in early May.  Participation by all students is encouraged, but not required.  For those who wish to practice their performance skills, other performance opportunities will be suggested by the instructor throughout the year.


Flute Students: Since Ms. Stenbuck is a member of RAFA, flute students have the option to join the Raleigh Area Flute Association and enter both the fall and spring competitions. More information can be found at


Voice Students: Ms. Stenbuck is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, and as such, her students are eligible to enter the NATS Musical Theater and Classical voice competitions in November and February.

How to Redeem Make-up Credit:

  • Login to the website.
  • Look on the calendar for open lesson slots. They may say "lesson" but you will be able to click on them and register for them.
  • Find a slot(s) that works for you and register for it.
  • If you take 45 min. or 1 hour lessons, you will need to register for two slots, back-to-back. (I will go in later and make the correction.)