Tuition and Scheduling

Riversong Music studio offers two options for scheduling - weekly lessons or flexible scheduling.

For new students, a 30 minute trial lesson may be scheduled for $30. At this lesson, the teacher will evaluate the student's current skill level and make suggestions for the direction of further study.  

Weekly Lessons

Weekly 1 hour Voice/flute lesson: $250/monthly payment

Weekly 45 min. Voice/flute lesson: $195/monthly payment 

Weekly 30 min. flute lesson: $140/monthly payment


   The semester fees above cover a two semester year, running late August through May.  The student receives 14 lessons in the fall semester, 18 lessons in the spring semester. The summer session starts the week of/after Memorial Day and runs through most of August.  Lessons over the summer months can be scheduled around the vacation schedules of the student and teacher.  A calendar of scheduled holidays and breaks can be found on the studio website.  


   Yearly tuition can be paid in three payments at the first lesson of each session (Fall semester, Spring semester, and summer session), or in 12 equal monthly payments. Semester payments cannot be prorated, and the student must start lessons in the first week of the semester.   Monthly payment is due by the last day of the preceding month, and a $40 late fee is added to any payment received after the due date (with a 5-day grace period).  The first payment is due at or before the first lesson of the fall semester, and the following monthly payments run August 31st through April 30th. A recurring automatic payment can be set up on the studio website if desired.  For new students to reserve a lesson time, payment for the first lesson must be paid at the time of scheduling.  You can pay by check, cash or online with a credit/debit card (see website).

 Flexible Scheduling

 For students who do not want to commit to weekly lessons or a full semester, flexible scheduling is available. 30 minute lessons are $45 each, 45 minute lessons are $60 each, and 60 minute lessons are $85 each. Payment must be made before the lesson time will be reserved.  

Online Lessons:  For cases of illness or infrequent scheduling issues, online lesson are offered for established students.


Referral Program: The best way to grow a studio is by word-of-mouth, so for each referral of a new, weekly student, you will receive $40 off the next month’s payment as a thank you!  This includes current student’s siblings!  As soon as the new student registers, the credit will be posted to your online account.

Other Fees:  Like any class, private music instruction requires printed materials.  It is expected that the student/parent will purchase their own music and books in a timely manner.  This will be an additional cost ranging from $30 to $60+ a year.  An additional fee is required for participation in recitals and competitions to cover rental and accompaniment costs.


Refunds and Make-up Lessons:  Because the instructor reserves a lesson time for the student that cannot be scheduled over, make-up lessons will only be given for illness (the student’s or the instructor’s), and family emergency (severe illness/death).  If at least 1 weeks notice is given, a make-up lesson may be scheduled for family vacations and performance/rehearsal conflicts, if the instructor’s schedule allows. There are no refunds for lessons not attended (no-shows). 

***Please note that students should list their lesson time as a conflict when auditioning for a school/community musical or participating in choir/band/orchestra. Most of the area music directors will honor that, as your lessons help you prepare for their classes and events as well!***

Make up credits must be taken in the same semester in which they were issued and will expire one month after the missed lesson, unless otherwise prearranged with the instructor. Make up lesson slots will be available monthly on the website - simply select the date and time that works for you and register for the event. If you cannot attend the make-up lesson slots posted, please contact the instructor before the month is over!

How to Redeem Make-up Credit:

  • Login to the website.
  • Look on the calendar for open lesson slots. They may say "lesson" but you will be able to click on them and register for them.
  • Find a slot(s) that works for you and register for it.
  • If you take 45 min. or 1 hour lessons, you will need to register for two slots, back-to-back. (I will go in later and make the correction.)